Episode 16 discusses the call of our times for new teachers of Jesus’ religion, the awakening of Jesus’ kingdom brotherhood of believers, and reveals the great hope of our world.


The Future of the Teachings of Jesus

5. The Times Call for New Teachers of Jesus to Arise

 The Awakening of the Jesus Brotherhood (Ep 16)


The need for new teachers. We live in troublous times. We are at the end of the age and evil is rising in our world. But this does not mean that good cannot also rise, oppose, and overcome the great modern threats of materialism, mechanism, secularism, and totalitarianism. In fact, such times of tribulation, great testing, and threatened defeat are always times of great revelation. We need inspired new teachers of Jesus’ religion who will counter our slide into Godlessness and the resultant destruction that follows when a people, nation, or civilization depart from God’s way.

The times call for new teachers of Jesus. The times call out for the appearance of new religious leaders who will bring a new more powerful revelation of Jesus to our dark and confused world. These new religious leaders will depend solely on Jesus and his original teachings. They will be spiritually advanced followers of Jesus who will not be distracted by social and material problems, religious traditions, special beliefs, doctrines, and creeds. They will be true to Jesus’ directive to take his gospel of the kingdom directly to the world. They will focus exclusively on the spiritual regeneration­, the spiritual rebirth and renewal, of their fellow man. They will teach Jesus not only by their focus on his actual teachings but also by the lives they lead, living and demonstrating the way of Jesus.

The kingdom of God. The central concept of Jesus’ teachings is the kingdom of God. This kingdom that Jesus taught is purely a matter of inner personal experience; it is the rule of his heavenly Father in the heart of the individual believer. Jesus made clear the inner spiritual nature of the kingdom with his great pronouncement that “the kingdom of God is within you.” (KJV Lk. 17:21)

The brotherhood of the kingdom. Jesus’ kingdom is not an outward church but rather an inner spiritual kingdom that exists within the hearts of some, but not all Christians. As more individuals come fully to believe Jesus’ original gospel and truly choose to do the Father’s will this inner spiritual kingdom expands to more and more individuals, thus bringing into being a new and higher phase of the inner spiritual kingdom­–the brotherhood of kingdom believers. This new spiritual brotherhood is the sum of those individuals who have confessed their faith in the Fatherhood of God, thereby declaring their devotion to the doing of the Father’s will, and thus becoming citizens of the kingdom of God.

When will these new teachers of Jesus come? When will these new teachers of Jesus come? The hour is now striking for a rediscovery of the true and original foundations of present-day Christianity, the real life and teachings of Jesus. Christianity has rendered the world a great service in that it carried the teachings of Jesus through the early persecutions of the Roman Empire, the intellectual and spiritual decline of the European “dark ages,” the rehabilitation that followed the dawning of the renaissance, the fragmentation and division of Christianity into numerous cults and sects, and finally the carrying of these precious teachings forward through the materialism and secularism of modern times. But now what is most needed is Jesus.

Jesus’ brotherhood of kingdom believers presently resides within the cocoon of Christianity. Jesus’ brotherhood of kingdom believers presently resides within the cocoon of Christianity. It is alive, but slumbering and relatively inactive.  Most of the new teachers of Jesus, as well as newly awakened followers will come from this slumbering Jesus brotherhood­. New teachers and followers of Jesus’ religion will also come from other diverse backgrounds, but reawakened Christians are best prepared by their long-time adherence to the way of Jesus to both teach and become active followers of the new revelation.

The spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom. We are living in the lawless and stress filled times of the latter days. This is the time that Paul described when “men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, and holding the form of religion but denying the power of it.” (2 Tim. 3:2) The times cry out for a powerful spiritual rebirth of the invisible and spiritual brotherhood of the kingdom. As more and more Christians awaken to the times in which we live, with its decline of religion, the growth of the secular threat, and the world’s need for a spiritual renaissance, new religious teachers and leaders will emerge. There will occur a spiritual rebirth of the Jesus brotherhood, a revival, awakening, and inspired return to Jesus’ original gospel of sonship with God and doing the Father’s will.

The emergence of the personal religion of Jesus from Christianity. This spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of kingdom believers will supply new teachers of Jesus’ original gospel. These new teachers and leaders will embody the emergence of the beautiful butterfly of Jesus’ personal religion from the protective cocoon of Christianity. These spiritually reborn and advanced teachers will awaken other Christians who will help bring the new revelation to our world.

The great hope of Christianity. This coming return to Jesus presents the opportunity for the spiritual uplift and reunification of the many sects and forms of modern Christianity. Christianity as it is subdivided and secularized today presents the greatest single obstacle to its further advancement. The great hope of modern Christianity is that it would humbly bow itself before the cross it’s so valiantly extols, there to learn anew from Jesus of Nazareth the greatest truths moral man can ever hear–the living gospel of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.

The great hope of our world. Likewise, the great hope of our world lies in this new revelation of Jesus with its new and enlarged presentation of his saving message which would spiritually unite in loving service the numerous families of his present-day professed followers.

The call to Christians. The time is now for new teachers and followers of Jesus to arise from their slumber within Christianity. It is time for Christians to renew their growth and progress by sponsoring a worldwide revival of the actual teachings of Jesus, undiluted by the many other teachings that have become identified with his original, unparalleled, and perfected teachings. The time is now for this new revelation of Jesus to appear. The thrilling and inspirational call of our times is for volunteers to join in this great adventure and turn the world from its advance into darkness back to the transforming light of Jesus.


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