Jesus issued only a few direct commandments to his followers, but he did provide may directives which serve as reliable guides for living. Episodes 45 and 46 list these directives.




I Am a Son of God

Jesus’ Directives to His Followers (Ep 45)

September 2024


In his teachings Jesus identified only a few of his instructions as commandments. These embraced the commandments from the Jewish scriptures to love God supremely, to love our neighbor as ourselves, and the Ten Commandments. The one clear commandment he issued to his apostles was at the last supper where he said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another even as I have loved you.” Even though he referred to only a few of his instructions as commandments he did issue many directives which we may adopt as guidelines for living the way of Jesus. They may be listed as follows:


Follow me.                                                                            Jn. 1:43


Follow me.                                                                            Mt. 9:9


Follow me.                                                                            Mt. 4:19


Follow me!                                                                            Jn 21:22


Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.                                             Mt. 5:12


Let your light so shine before men that they 

may see your good works and be led to

glorify your Father who is in heaven.                                       Mt. 5:16


Do not resist evil.                                                                   Mt. 5:39


If anyone smites you on the right cheek, turn

to him the other also.                                                              Mt. 5:39


And if anyone would sue you and take your 

coat, let him have your cloak as well.                                       Mt. 5:40


And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go 

with him two miles.                                                                Mt. 5: 41


Love your enemies.                                                                Lk. 6:27


Do good to those who hate you.                                               Lk. 6:27


Bless those who curse you.                                                      Lk. 6:28


Pray for those who despitefully use you.                                   Lk. 6:28


As you wish that men would do to you, do 

you also to them.                                                                    Lk. 6:31


Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.                            Lk. 6:36


Be you perfect, even as your heavenly 

Father is perfect.                                                                    Mt. 5:48


Judge not, that you be not judged. For with 

what judgment you judge you will be judged                             Mt.7:1-2


First take the log out of your own eyeand then 

you will see clearly to take the speck out of your 

brother’s eye.                                                                         Mt. 7:4-5


Give not that which is holy to dogs,                                          Mt. 17:6


neither cast your pearls before swine,                                       Mt. 17:6


Beware of false prophets who will come to 

you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are as 

ravenous wolves.                                                                    Mt. 7:15


Take heed that you do not give your alms                                      

before men to be seen by them.                                                Mt. 6:1


When you give alms, let not your left hand 

know what your right hand is doing.                                        Mt. 6:3


 When you pray, go into your room and shut

 the door and pray to your Father.                                           Mt. 6:6


And in praying use not vain repetitions.                                   Mt. 6:7


And when you fast, be not of a sad countenance 

that your fasting may be seen by men.                                      Mt. 6:16


Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth,                            Mt. 6:19


but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,                           Mt. 6:20


Do not be anxious about your lives; what you 

shall eat or what you shall drink; nor about 

your body, what you shall put on.                                            Mt. 6:25


Seek first the kingdom of God and his 

righteousness, and all these things shall be 

added unto you.                                                                     Mt. 6:33


Do not be anxious about the morrow. Sufficient 

for the day is the trouble thereof.                                             Mt. 6:34


Heal the sick.                                                                         Mt 10: 8


Freely you have received, freely give.                                       Mt 10:7


I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves;

be you therefore as wise as serpents and as 

harmless as doves.                                                                  Mt 10:16


When they deliver you up, be not anxious 

about what you are to say, for what you are to

say will be given to you in that hour, for it is

not you who speak, but the Spirit of your

Father speaking through you.                                                   Mt 10:19-20


Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and you 

shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to 

you.                                                                                      Lk 11:9-10


And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if 

you have anything against anyone; so that

your Father also who is in heaven may forgive

you your trespasses.                                                                Mt 11:25


When you pray, go into your room and shut 

the door and pray to your Father who is in 

secret; and your Father who sees in secret will

reward you.                                                                            Mt 6:6


Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy 

laden, and I will give you rest.                                                 Mt 11:28


Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,

and you shall find rest for your souls.                                      Mt 11:29


What I tell you in the dark, utter in the light.                            

What you hear whispered, proclaim upon 

the housetops.                                                                       Mk 10:27


And do not fear those who kill the body, but                             

cannot kill the soul.                                                                Mk 10:28


Fear not                                                                                Mk 10:28


Fear not                                                                                Lk 12:7


Fear not, only believe.                                                            Mk 5:36


Fear not                                                                                Lk 12:32


He who has ears to hear, let him hear.                                     Mt 13:9


Labor not for the food which perishes, but 

for the [spiritual] food which endures to

eternal life, which the Son of Man shall 

give you.                                                                                Jn 6:27


Honor your father and your mother.                                        Mt 15:4


If any man would come after me, let him deny 

himself and take up his cross and follow me.                            Mt 16:24


If any man would come after me, let him 

disregard himself, and take up his 

responsibilities, and follow me.                                                Mk 8:34


And if your hand or your eye causes you to 

stumble, sacrifice them; it is better to enter

life minus these than to be shut out of

the kingdom.                                                                          Mt 18:8


See that you do not despise these little ones,

for I tell you that in heaven their angels always

behold the face of my Father….                                                Mt 18:10


If your brother sins against you, go and tell 

him his fault, between you and him alone.                                Mt 18:15


But if he will not hear you, take one or two 

others along with you that every word may

be confirmed by the evidence of two or 

three witnesses.                                                                      Mt 18:16


If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the 

congregation, and if he refuses to listen even 

to the congregation, let him be to you as a 

heathen and a tax collector.                                                    Mt 18:17


Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord,

how often shall my brother sin against me, and I

forgive him? As many as seven times?”
Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but 

seventy-seven times.                                                               Mt 18:21-22


John said to him, “Teacher, we saw a man casting

out demons in your name, and we forbade him,

because he was not following us.”
But Jesus said, “Forbid him not; for no

one who does a mighty work in my name will

be able soon after to speak evil of me.                                       Mk 9:38-39


And behold, one came up to him, saying,

“Teacher, what good deed must I do, to have

eternal life?”
And Jesus said: “You know the

commandments: do not kill, do not commit 

adultery, do not steal, do not bear false 

witness, do not defraud, and honor your 

father and mother.”                                                                Mk 10:19