Episode 27 focuses on the coming triumph of the teachings of Jesus over the teachings of secularism. It introduces a new phase of Jesus’ spiritual kingdom that will follow the triumph of Jesus.


The Future of the Teachings of Jesus
16. The Triumph of Jesus
The Next Phase of Jesus’ Spiritual Kingdom (Ep. 27)

What will be the outcome of the great modern struggle between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of secularism? We live in a dark and confused world, and one naturally wonders whether our world will continue its plunge into chaos and disaster or will we survive and return to the light and hope found in genuine spiritual religion. We know that the new revelation of Jesus must occur amid the chaos of an ever-changing social order and in a society that has increasingly turned its back on spiritual religion and embraced a materialistic secularism and its evil fruits. What then will be the outcome of this titanic struggle? Will the teachings of Jesus and true religion be finally overcome as the world continues its downward slide into the darkness of Godless secularism and evil, or will true religion and the teachings of Jesus prevail?

Ultimately the teachings of Jesus will triumph. The good news is that one day this time of testing and decision will come to an end and the teachings of God’s divine Son, Jesus, will triumph. The new revelation of Jesus will succeed, and the religion of Jesus will ultimately rule this world. This great return to Jesus and his original gospel teachings will be the next major stage of our religious evolution. We do indeed have a bright and glorious future that we may look forward to!

How will this victory come? This victory will come through the dedicated work of the new teachers and disciples of Jesus. It will come principally through the spiritual rebirth of the Jesus brotherhood, the spiritual activation of those men and women who presently believe Jesus’ original gospel of sonship with God and have dedicated themselves to doing their Father’s will. These are the followers of Jesus who seek to live by faith and show forth love and the other fruit of the spirit in their daily lives. Presently most of these followers of Jesus are relatively inactive as they slumber within the protective cocoon of Christianity; but all this will change as these believers awaken to a new and deeper commitment to save our upside-down world from its secularism and evil through a revival of Jesus’ original teachings. Energized and inspired by their better understanding of Jesus’ actual teachings and a fresh new vision of his inspirational life story they will carry out the new revelation of Jesus in the face of determined opposition and persecution by secular individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and governments. But in the end victory will come. The incomparable teachings of Jesus are destined to triumph over the teachings of Godless secularism and rule this world forever.

When will this great transformation come? When will this great transformation from our present spiritual stagnation and secularism to the personal religion of Jesus come about? The good news is that this return to Jesus and his true teachings is not far off in the future. In fact, the hour is striking for a rediscovery of the true and original foundations of Christianity–the real life and teachings of Jesus. The time is now for modern culture to be spiritually baptized by a new revelation of Jesus’ life and a new understanding of his gospel of eternal salvation. We live in exciting and thrilling times in which the light of the new revelation of Jesus is due to dawn upon our corrupt and evil world. This new and more exclusive emphasis on Jesus and his actual teachings is a basically a return to the highest and best elements of Christianity, Jesus’ original gospel of the kingdom.

A new phase of Jesus’ spiritual kingdom. The new revelation of Jesus, the triumph of the teachings of Jesus over the teachings of secularism, will usher in a new phase of Jesus’ spiritual kingdom. This glorious new advanced phase of Jesus’ kingdom will bring a complete turn from the materialism and secularism that presently dominates our world to a time of great spiritual advancement. The present breakdown of morality, unbridled self-expression, and lust for power, will recede as we experience enhanced moral insight and a new ethical awakening that results from a greater adherence to the golden rule. And an economy based more on co-operation and service will replace exclusively profit motivated economics.

Following is a review of the first two phases of Jesus’ kingdom to help put into perspective this new and advanced stage of the spiritual kingdom.

Phase 1 of the spiritual kingdom. Phase 1of the kingdom, spiritual fellowship with God the Father, has its inception when the Father’s spirit begins to reign in the heart of the individual believer; this is the birth of the spirit into the light of faith. This first phase of the spiritual kingdom results when an individual decides to believe Jesus’ gospel that we are all children of a loving heavenly Father and makes the accompanying decision to do the Father’s will, to pray in sincerity “your will be done.” (Mt. 6:10) Phase 1 is the personal and inward experience of the fellowship and communion of the individual believer with the Father, and is inevitably followed by an increased bearing of the fruit of the spirit in one’s daily life.

Phase 2 of Jesus’ kingdom. Phase 2 of Jesus’ kingdom, the brotherhood of gospel believers, is the natural outcome of the growth of phase 1. This enlarging brotherhood is the sum of those individuals who believe Jesus’ gospel and choose to put the Father’s will above their own personal will. This brotherhood of God’s reign in the hearts of men is the true church; it is a spiritual brotherhood that is characterized by unity, not uniformity. Uniformity is a distinguishing mark of the physical world of mechanistic nature. The unity of the Jesus brotherhood is the fruit of faith union with the living Jesus. This social brotherhood of believers is characterized by the enhanced morals and quickened ethics that result from the reign of God’s spirit in the heart of each individual believer.

The next phase of the spiritual kingdom-the advance to the more perfect doing of the will of God. The next phase of the spiritual kingdom, the more perfect fulfillment of the will of God, has yet to appear. This new phase of the spiritual kingdom will be initiated by the new revelation of Jesus. In this phase kingdom believers will ascend to a new and more perfect level of doing the Father’s will. We will advance towards the dawn of a new social order in connection with improved spiritual living. This new order of society the world has little known because it has refused to practice the principles of the gospel of the kingdom. When this new age does come it will be manifested by enhanced morals and ethics, improved human relations, and advancing spiritual attainments. This is next age of man, the coming of a glorious new age of the rule of Jesus’ spiritual kingdom in the hearts of men.

The new age is impending. This new age which will be characterized by a return to the true teachings of Jesus is impending, at the door. It will soon dawn and then grow amid the chaos, spiritual stagnation, growth in evil, and secular opposition of today’s world.

The original religion of Jesus will one day rule our world. This coming return to Jesus, which will be born amid the unsettled and threatening times in which we live, will not only bring a more advanced stage of the spiritual kingdom; it will continue to grow and grow and eventually become the dominant religion of our world.